Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Right. Where's my soapbox. Ahh there it is. Right. Ok ok ok. I think I've had enough of these religious people. I know this sounds like a similar post recently but seriously, the head of the rcc coming out and saying that condoms are bad as they help spread Aids. right you, pope guy. Shut up. Seriously, where do you get your information from. The Land of make believe, oh wait that right.The land of make believe. Right now, those religious people who come out and say things like this are very hurtful to the cause they are ridiculing. The biggest thing with these factors is not the content of the message but when people who run these Aids organisations go looking for funding to help with a new drug or research they are usually faced with a stoney wall silence or " well the pope said that condoms help spread aids so why should we give you money"... etc etc .The one thing is that these religious dont know the full truth ( cause their dogma is based in all that invisible man stuff ) so when they make statements like this they should be taken with a pinch of salt.
And another thing, why is it this guy is supposed to represent god on earth. Why was he picked by humans. Why didnt god come down and pick him. Anyway. Until prove the existance of their god and the scientific creedance this being possess, I will contine to question and question hard against their pseudo hystrical traditional religions.

Question everything these people say. Regardless.

be good and take care ok

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